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Praise (Follow Videographer)

Hi Jeff,

Hope all is well! Remember us!? šŸ™‚ We are in the process of moving and found our wedding videos the other day and just thought I would shoot you a quick email letting you know AGAIN how much we appreciate everything you did for us at our wedding! Things got so hectic after the wedding and I am just not sure If I ever really let you know how great you were! šŸ™‚
Being a fellow videographer – I can appreciate all the hours of editing you put into our video (and all of your videos) and they are amazing. You do such great work and I thank you for being willing to do ours!
Anyway – I hope all is well with you! Thanks again for all you do!
All the Best,
Jon, Heidi and Ty (our newest addition) šŸ™‚

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